An official army family and MWR Site

Robert C. McEwen Library

We're here to serve you!
All Active-Duty and retired military, Family members aged ten and over, and civilian employees may borrow materials from the Robert C. McEwen Library. National Guard, Reservists, and TDY personnel may use the library while at Fort Drum. 

Patrons may check out books, videos and other resources. Computers are available for public use and services such as electronic scanning and 3D printing are offered.


The library is a state-of-the-art 15,000 square-foot facility that includes a multimedia area, a children's library, periodical area, and an open reading area with 60 CAC-accessible computers linked with the classroom network in the education center.
Patrons have access to periodical databases and an online public catalog.

The extensive collection includes print and non-print materials: books, magazines, audiobooks, e-books, e-audiobooks, video games, DVD's and online streaming services. Materials may be borrowed for three weeks and renewed twice. With the exception of video games, there is no limit on the number of materials that may be checked out. For your convenience, you can renew materials in person, over the phone, or by logging into your library account.

Visit the McEwen Library's Online Catalog.

Browse the library's resources online and set up an account to use these features:

  • View items already checked out
  • Renew items
  • Request items
  • Change POC info, such as phone numbers and addresses
  • Keep a personal reading list
  • Rate and review books

For more information about this feature, stop at the library front desk.

Online Research

eResources/Research Tools may be found at

All sources (such as Academic OneFile, Ancestry Library Edition, Auto Repair Reference Center, National Geographic Virtual Library, Overdrive E-books and E-magazines, Kanopy Streaming Video, etc.) can be accessed by logging in with your DoD ID number and date of birth. For more information, ask at the front desk!


Digital resources and E-Books can now be “borrowed” from Fort Drum McEwen Library. 

Visit Army MWR Library ( for more digital resources and E-books!

Computer - Public Use

We have public-use computers available for internet access, military trainings and general use.

We have two different networks: one is a commercial connection via Spectrum that allows
printing, the other is the NIPRNet for sites requiring a computer connected to a military network.

Note: computers on the NIPRNet DO NOT print.

Other Services

McEwen Library offers printing, photocopying and lamination services for a minimal fee. Please visit the Circulation Desk for assistance.

Printing and Photocopies

Cost Format
10¢ per side Black and White
25¢ per side Color


3D Printing

McEwen Library also offers 3D printing services tailored to your specific needs.  We offer designs in PLA, ABS, TPU, or PETG. For detailed information on ordering and pricing, please consult with library staff members. 

Renewals and Interlibrary Loans

Renewals can be made in person or over the phone during operating hours. Patrons can also renew items by logging into their library account any time.

Interlibrary loan allows McEwen Library patrons to borrow books or receive photocopies of documents that are owned by other libraries.

Children's Programming

To encourage a lifelong love of reading in young library visitors, McEwen Library offers various story time programs targeted to different age ranges (please see the schedule below). Age ranges are offered to provide caregivers with an idea of the intended audience, but patrons are free to choose the story time that works best for the children in their care regardless of age.

Visit the Robert C. McEwen Library Facebook Page to tune into Virtual Story Time on Wednesday at 7 PM.


Program Ages Date Time Details
Baby Time 0-18 Months Friday 9:30 AM - 10 AM Lap-sit story time to encourage interaction between babies and caregivers.
Toddler Time 18 months -
3 years
Monday & Thursday 10 AM Books, songs, and rhymes followed by a sensory stay-and-play.
Preschool Science 3 - 5 years Monday 1 PM Science-themed story time connecting a book to a STEM activity.
Preschool Story Time 3 - 5 years Thursday 1 PM -
2 PM
Books, songs and rhymes followed by a craft.
Homeschool STEAM 4 - 10 years Every Other Tuesday 2 PM - 3 PM Explore science, technology, engineering, art, and math through hands-on activities.
World Language Story Times All ages    

Books and songs in a different language, followed by a craft. Monthly calendar will specify language.

K'NEX Night All ages One Tuesday a Month 5 PM -
6:30 PM
Building kits provided! Bring the family and build something together!



Library Calendar of Events

2-1-25_February 2025 Calendar.png

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Toddler Story Time

Mar 24 10 am - 11 am

Preschool Science at the Library

Mar 24 1 pm - 2 pm

Pokémon Club

Mar 25 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Homeschool Pokémon Club

Mar 26 2 pm - 3 pm

Library Online Resources

Discover Army MWR Library’s Online Resources! Download ebooks and audiobooks, learn a new language and more by accessing over 45 helpful online resources.

Library Online Resources

Discover Army MWR Library’s Online Resources! Download ebooks and audiobooks, learn a new language and more by accessing over 45 helpful online resources.


Preschool Time at the Library

Mar 27 1 pm - 2 pm

Baby Time at the Library

Mar 28 9:30 am - 10 am

Bilingual Story Time

Mar 28 10:30 am - 11:30 am

Homeschool Creative Writing Workshop

Apr 2 2 pm - 3 pm