An official army family and MWR Site

School Support Services


School Support Services provides Army school-aged youth with educational opportunities, resources and information necessary to achieve academic success. A branch of Child & Youth Services (CYS), School Support Services features School Liaison Officers (SLOs), who help schools, installations and Families work together for student achievement.

SLOs are your best support in the area of education, schools and military transitions. SLOs are knowledgeable in current education news and policies. They act as the conduit between the school community – including local public school districts, private schools and home school Families – and the installation.

How do they do it? By

  • Helping schools understand the challenges military Families face
  • Informing parents about local school policies
  • Giving Families information about local schools, graduation requirements, after school programs, youth sponsorship and homeschooling
  • Connecting units and schools through partnership initiatives
  • Conducting workshops to help parents navigate educational transition and advocate for their children
  • Providing an array of resources that benefit military youth and improve school experiences
  • Here is an additional resource for returning back to in-person learning. 

Click on the video below to find out even more about School Liaison Officers (SLO). The Facebook Live event was presented by Military OneSource featuring a panel of School Liaison experts from each Service, explaining the benefits of the School Liaison program!

Kinder Registration

Families are asked to complete the registration process online if applicable or call the registration office for an appointment. The district will then schedule a screening appointment. If you arrive after the screening dates, contact your school district registration office immediately.  

Contact the School Liaison Officer for assistance. 

Other Kindergarten Resources: for U.S. Military Families

When Do I Need a SLO?

Getting ready to move:

  • Information about your upcoming duty station and educational options in your new community
  • Connection to a youth sponsor who can answer your child’s questions from a youth’s perspective
  • Assistance with the steps to prepare for your children’s departure from their current schools


Once you arrive:

  • Assistance with school registration and transition
  • Help with questions about compliance and solutions regarding the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children
  • Two way communication between the school and parent
  • Connection with homeschool co-ops or support groups


During your assignment:

  • Answers to your questions about schools, homeschooling, special education, scholarships, transitions and more.
  • Parent education opportunities about college and career readiness, preparing for transition and the Interstate Compact 

To ease the transition, contact your SLO as soon as you get orders.

Getting ready to move:

  • Information about your upcoming duty station and educational options in your new community
  • Connection to a youth sponsor who can answer your child’s questions from a youth’s perspective
  • Assistance with the steps to prepare for your children’s departure from their current schools
  • Please complete and return this form (SLO PCS Transition Referral Form) to your Fort Drum SLOs, we will connect you by email to the SLO at your new duty station. 

Once you arrive:

  • Assistance with school registration and transition
  • Help with questions about compliance and solutions regarding the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children
  • Two way communication between the school and parent
  • Connection with homeschool co-ops or support groups

During your assignment:

  • Answers to your questions about schools, homeschooling, special education, scholarships, transitions and more.
  • Parent education opportunities about college and career readiness, preparing for transition and the Interstate Compact 

To ease the transition, contact your SLO as soon as you get orders.

Finding a School

Finding a new school and registering your child can be confusing. 

We can help.

Our SLOs give you information on local schools so you can find the best fit for you and your family.   They can also help you with everything you need to register – and can answer other questions, too. Contact our office and to get more detailed information.

Research-based Characteristics of Quality Schools 

Most schools share fundamental characteristics that prepare students for the future. Research shows that the most effective schools are more alike than they are different. Here is some information about what to look for in quality schools:


For Families Living On-Post
There are no school districts located on Fort Drum. Students living on the installation attend public school in either Carthage Central School District or Indian River Central School District. The school district the student attends depends on which housing area the family resides in.

On-Post Housing School District/Elementary Building Map

Public School Options - Fort Drum, New York Map

Students living in Rhicard Hills housing community attend the Carthage Central School Distrist. Students living in Adirondack Creek, Crescent Woods, or Monument Ridge housing communities attend the Indian River School District. You may enroll in a school district if you are utilizing temporary lodging.

Both Carthage and Indian River School Districts have one high school for all 9th–12th graders. They both have one middle school; however Carthage Middle School is for grades 5th–8th and Indian River Middle School is for grades 6th–8th.

Carthage has three Kindergarten–4th grade elementary schools. Indian River has five primary schools, grades Kindergarten–3rd, and one intermediate school for grades 4th and 5th. Which elementary/primary school younger students attend depends on the physical street address of their residence.

Click this link to see how Fort Drum is split between the Carthage Central School District and the Indian River Central School District. Use this map as a guide to see what district you reside in and, if you have students in elementary grades, what school they will attend. Please note, this map is an unofficial guide for elementary/primary building guidance. Official determination rests with the public school district you reside in.



Carthage District Website
Carthage State Education Department Profile

Indian River District Website
Indian River State Education Department Profile


For Families Living Off Post
Students living off Fort Drum will attend school in the town or district in which they reside. Click on this link for a map of all the public school districts in the Fort Drum area that education military-connected students.


Off Post Public Schools
Alexandria District Website
Alexandria State Education Department Profile

Beaver River District Website
Beaver River State Education Department Profile

Belleville-Henderson District Website
Belleville-Henderson State Education Department Profile

Carthage District Website
Carthage State Education Department Profile

Copenhagen District Website
Copenhagen State Education Department Profile

General Brown District Website
General Brown State Education Department Profile

Gouverneur District Website
Gouverneur State Education Department Profile

Harrisville District Website
Harrisville State Education Department Profile

Indian River District Website
Indian River State Education Department Profile

LaFargeville District Website
LaFargeville State Education Department Profile

Lowville District Website
Lowville State Education Department Profile

Lyme District Website
Lyme State Education Department Profile

Sackets Harbor District Website
Sackets Harbor State Education Department Profile

Sandy Creek District Website
Sandy Creek State Education Department Profile

South Jefferson District Website
South Jefferson State Education Department Profile

South Lewis District Website
South Lewis State Education Department Profile

Thousand Islands District Website
Thousand Islands State Education Department Profile

Watertown District Website
Watertown State Education Department Profile


Off Post Parochial Schools

Augustinian Academy

Faith Fellowship Christian School

Immaculate Heart Central


New York State School Statistics
The New York State Education Department hosts a website with the statistical report card for every school district in the state. For more information about the schools in our area (Jefferson and Lewis counties), see the NY State School District Report Card.

Youth Sponsorship

Transitioning youth often have questions concerning their new community and how it compares to the community they are preparing to depart. The lack of knowledge of the area and the apprehension of leaving friends often makes moving a frightening experience.

Interested Families can request a Youth Sponsorship by completing the Fort Drum Youth Sponsorship Application and emailing it to the Fort Drum School Liaison Officer.

By emailing it to the above address, it will be sent to Fort Drum Child and Youth Services, and Youth Programs will contact your Family about connecting your child to a sponsor who can help answer questions and make moving a little easier. For more information, call the Fort Drum Youth Center at (315)-772-6719 or the Fort Drum School Liaison Officer at (315)-772-3214.

Special Education Information

If you have a child with special needs, we can help you find the resources available in your school district. We can also connect you with your local installation’s Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) office.


New York State Educational Services are some of the best in the country.

Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) Systems Navigators are located on the installation and assist Families with locating area educational and social agencies and resources. Systems Navigators can also work with parents and schools by attending Special Education meetings.

For more information, Fort Drum EFMP can be reached at (315)-772-0664 or (315)-772-5488 or on their Facebook Page.

Local District Special Education Departments:

Indian River Central School District SPED

Carthage Central School District SPED

Watertown Central School District SPED


Army DirectSTEP Resources:

Army DirectSTEP 

Army DirectSTEP Key Codes

Additional References and Resources for Special Education

Below is a link to the New York State Education Department's Office of Special Education. This website has information on rights, assistance, special education processes, and contact information to Special Education Offices:

Below are local links to special needs resources, agencies, and advocates in the area. Please feel free to reach out to these agencies, in addition to using the services provided by Fort Drum Exceptional Family Member Program.


Support for School Aged Exceptional Family members though Jefferson-Lewis BOCES:

BOCES is the Board of Cooperative Educational Services. It is a regional public education agency which functions in New York State as an extension of local school districts.  Jefferson-Lewis-Hamilton-Herkimer-Oneida BOCES (often times referred to as Jefferson-Lewis BOCES) is overseen by a nine-Members Board of Education and by a District Superintendent.

A total of 18 school districts are currently served by Jefferson-Lewis BOCES. Services offered to these districts include Administrative Services, Career & Technical Education, Adult Education & Continuing Education, Programs for Exceptional Students and Programs & Professional Development. Click here for more on BOCES:

The Programs for Exceptional Students Department provides special education classes, services, and alternative education settings for students who require additional support to meet their academic needs. We collaborate with component district staff, educational committees, parents, and community agencies to develop solutions that address the individual needs of students.

More on this department can be found here.

Transition Support

We understand that military transitions for children include much more than school plans and enrollment. We have a number of resources to help make your move as easy as possible for the kids, including:


Military Kids Connect provides online age-appropriate resources to help parents, teachers and children cope with the unique challenges of military life.


The Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children (MIC3) addresses key transition issues military Families experience, including enrollment, placement, attendance, eligibility and graduation. All 50 states have signed the compact and are in varying stages of implementation and/or compliance. The compact applies to children of Active Duty service members, National Guard and Reserve members on active duty orders and members or veterans who are medically discharged or retired within past year.

If you feel that you have an issue that the Compact can help address talk with your SLO.  The SLO is able to assist by connecting with both the sending and receiving school to assist in resolving the issue.  If it is not possible to resolve the issue locally, the SLO will help you work with the state commission, and if needed, the national office.

We understand that military transitions for children include much more than school plans and enrollment. We have a number of resources to help make your move as easy as possible for the kids.

Please complete the SLO PCS Transition Referral Form so we can connect you with the School Liaison at your new duty station, for CONUS and OCONUS locations. 


Military OneSource

Military OneSource has Children, Youth & Teens MilLife Guides, including benefits, tools and resources, links to additional relevant content and access to the support you need. Select a MilLife Guide below to get started here.


The Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children (MIC3)

The Interstate Compact addresses key transition issues military Families experience, including enrollment, placement, attendance, eligibility and graduation. All 50 states have signed the compact and are in varying stages of implementation and/or compliance. The compact applies to children of Active-Duty service members, National Guard and Reserve members on active-duty orders and members or veterans who are medically discharged or retired within past year.

If you feel that you have an issue that the Compact can help address talk with your SLO.  The SLO is able to assist by connecting with both the sending and receiving school to assist in resolving the issue.  If it is not possible to resolve the issue locally, the SLO will help you work with the state commission, and if needed, the national office.

Other Resources to assist with your Transition with School Aged Children:

Post - Secondary Support

Our support doesn’t end with elementary education. If you have children preparing for academic life after high school, we can help you find information about testing opportunities, scholarships and military-specific resources that can help you plan.


The US Department of Veteran’s Affairs provides information about Military-Specific and Government Academic Support G.I. Bill

The Transferability of Educational Benefits for the Post 9/11 GI Bill are very specific. The Defense Manpower Data Center, through MilConnect will guide you through the transfer process and your eligibility to do so.  Speak with an Education Counselor prior to making this election in order to ensure you understand the benefit.

In-State Tuition Programs for Military: Service-members, active duty for a period of more than 30 days and their dependents are eligible to receive in-state tuition at many public colleges and universities in the state where they reside or are permanently stationed. An enrolled dependent may pay in-state tuition as long as he or she remains continuously enrolled at the institution, even if the service-member is reassigned outside of the state. Regulations outlined in the Higher Education Opportunity Act, 2008 (P.L 110 - 135) and the Higher Education Act of 1965 (pdf) apply.

Our support doesn’t end with elementary education. If you have children preparing for academic life after high school, we can help you find information about testing opportunities, scholarships and military-specific resources that can help you plan.

The US Department of Veteran’s Affairs provides information about Military-Specific and Government Academic Support G.I. Bill

The Transferability of Educational Benefits for the Post 9/11 GI Bill are very specific. The Defense Manpower Data Center, through MilConnect will guide you through the transfer process and your eligibility to do so.  Speak with an Education Counselor prior to making this election in order to ensure you understand the benefit.

In-State Tuition Programs for Military: Service-members, active duty for a period of more than 30 days and their dependents are eligible to receive in-state tuition at many public colleges and universities in the state where they reside or are permanently stationed. An enrolled dependent may pay in-state tuition as long as he or she remains continuously enrolled at the institution, even if the service-member is reassigned outside of the state. Regulations outlined in the Higher Education Opportunity Act, 2008 (P.L 110 - 135) and the Higher Education Act of 1965 (pdf) apply.

Community Colleges and Universities in Upstate New York

College Planning Tools

Check out the list of scholarships in the Resources Tab.


All homeschool families are required to register with the public school district in which they reside and follow New York State Homeschool Regulations. Fort Drum has a local homeschool group that is very active. Monthly meetings are held for parents and children to discuss concerns, issues, and accomplishments. This group is very knowledgeable regarding homeschool regulations. They offer support and many great ideas.

For local homeschool resources, contact the Fort Drum School Liaison Officer at (315)-772-3214 or email us.


📚 Fort Drum School Liaison & Homeschooling Options: Everything You Need to Know! 📚


Frequently Asked Questions

What school district will I attend if I live on-post?
Families living in the Adirondack Creek, Crescent Woods, or Monument Ridge housing communities will attend the Indian River Central School District. Within the housing communities that attend Indian River, students in Kindergarten to 3rd grade will attend one of four primary school buildings in the district. Depending on where you reside, students will either attend Antwerp Primary, Calcium Primary, Evans Mills Primary, or Theresa Primary. Families living in the Rhicard Hills Housing Community or in the Leray Mansion area will attend Carthage Central School District. Within the housing communities that attend Carthage, students in Kindergarten to 4th grade will attend one of three elementary school buildings in the district. Students will either attend Black River Elementary, Carthage Elementary, or West Carthage Elementary.

To find out what elementary or primary building your child will attend, you can use this map as an unofficial guide: On-Post School Districts/Elementary-Primary Building Guide


What school district can I attend and be able to use before and/or after school care on Fort Drum?
In order to utilize busing that travels to and from the School Age Center on Fort Drum, families need to live in either the Carthage or Indian River school districts. You may live on or off post and still use before or after school care. No other public school district (Watertown, General Brown, etc.) provides busing to or from the School Age Center. 

In addition, if you live in either the Carthage or Indian River district and would like to attend a parochial school in Watertown or Carthage, your child will have bus transportation to and from the School Age Center to their parochial school.


Can I attend a parochial school and live on Fort Drum?
Yes. Augustinian Academy, Faith Fellowship Christian School, and Immaculate Heart Central all have on-post students attending school in their buildings. Busing is providing from the public school district that you reside in.


Is busing provided to and from school?
Yes. Busing is provided for every student attending school on Fort Drum, free of charge. 


What will I need to provide for documentation in order to register my child in school?
You will need a completed registration packet for each child you are enrolling. All school districts have their own unique registration packet that can be found on their school district’s website. 

You will need to provide your school district with a proof of address. A physical street address is required. Students cannot be enrolled with only a housing community listed.

You will need information about the previous school that your child attended. Hopefully the last school gave you a hard copy of student records prior to leaving. Previous report cards may also be useful. If not, please have on hand the name and address of the last school your child attended.

Your child’s most recent physical and immunization records are also necessary. A new physical may be required by the district upon entry. 

School districts also ask you to provide the district with a proof of age. You will need to have a copy of your child's birth certificate and their Social Security Number. If the child(ren) have a different parent listed on the birth certificates, then you will need some sort of document that shows you have custody of the child. 

For Children with Special Educational Needs, please also provide any special needs documentation from the last state you resided in. Please also provide any special needs documentation from the last state you resided in. 


Can I enroll my child into school if we are using temporary housing?
Families can enroll in school if they are using temporary lodging. Depending on the lodging, you may be attending either the Carthage or Indian River school district. We would highly suggest contacting the Fort Drum School Liaison in a situation like this to discuss schooling options that you may have.


Can I switch districts or buildings if I want to attend a different school?
New York is a district of residence, meaning that your children go to school in the district where you reside. Districts and buildings are assigned by location and once you are settled, you are required to attend the location that you are assigned. If you would like to attend a specific district or particular building, contact the School Liaison prior to choosing housing.

Do New York School District permit advanced enrollment prior to arrival?
Yes, New York Public schools do permit advanced enrollment as of 11 November 2021. Education Law §3304 was amended to require advanced enrollment for students covered under the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children. A student whose parent or guardian is being relocated to the state under military orders and is transferred or is pending transfer to a military installation within the state shall be deemed to be a resident pupil of a school district for the purposes of enrollment. School districts must permit preliminary enrollment by remote registration, without charge, for students covered under the Interstate Compact.

Additional information can be referenced in questions 13 and 17 of the Interstate Compact: Frequently Asked Questions. Questions about the Interstate Compact may be emailed to or contact your local Fort Drum School Liaison Officers.

Graduation Requirements

To graduate from high school in the state of New York, the following credit requirements must be met:

  • English - 4 units
  • Social Studies - 4 units
  • Math - 3 units
  • Science - 3 units
  • Language other than English (LOTE) - 1 unit
  • Art/Music/Dance/Theater - 1 unit
  • Health - 1/2 unit
  • Physical Education - 2 units
  • Electives - 3 1/2 units

Total: 22 units of credit

In addition, students also have testing requirements in the form of the New York State Regents Exams. To learn more about specific assessments necessary for graduating in New York State, as well as different diploma options for students, visit the New York State Education Department.

ACT/SAT Registration, Test Practice and Resource Tools


Here are some additional web resources to assist you with your child’s education:


Academic Resources: for U.S. Military Families makes live tutors available online 24/7 to help with more than 40 core subjects and standardized test preparation.

Homework Support: Army Child Youth & School Services provides Homework Labs in before/after school programs for elementary students at the School Age Center, and for middle and high school students at the Youth Center.


Khan Academy:

A personalized learning resource for all ages Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, SAT and more.    


Support/Resilience Resources:

School Support Services include information about other programs you can use for support and resilience-related issues.


Military Family Life Counselors (MFLCs) are available to meet in-person on or off the military installation. The free nonmedical sessions are anonymous and may occur in individual, couple, family or group settings. Child Behavioral Specialists are located on the installation in Child, Youth and School Services programs, and in highly impacted schools located on and off the installation.

Military OneSource has access to free nonmedical counseling that’s anonymous and available online, on the phone or in person. Twelve free sessions may occur in individual, couple, family or group settings.

Ready and Resilient Workshops for youth and educators are offered through the SLO and Youth Center programs. These workshops provide educators and students with the same tools Soldiers receive through their Ready and Resilient training. As Master Resilience Trainers SLOs strive to develop a common language around resilience for educators, youth and their parents.

For information on how to attend a class contact your local SLO.


College and Career Readiness Resources:

College and career readiness includes the content knowledge, skills and habits that students must have to be successful in postsecondary education. It also includes training that leads to a sustaining career. A student who is ready for college and career can qualify for and succeed in entry-level, credit-bearing college courses without needing remedial or developmental coursework. These links have tools that will help you plan for your child’s college and career readiness:


Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP) provides STEM opportunities for military connected youth. The website provides information about AEOP programs available to youth, scholarship opportunities, news, and ways to get involved. Scholarship Finder provides a search engine to help you find money for your child’s higher education needs. Search over 1000 scholarships intended for military youth. They also have a Military Scholarship Handbook.

School Support Services Scholarship Database Listing of crowd sourced scholarships for military connected youth. Scholarships are listed in alphabetical order and provide information on deadlines and qualifications.


 Financial Aid

Provides a description of federal student aid programs from the U.S. Dept. of Education  and how to apply for them.

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Apply for federally funded financial assistance for education beyond high school.

Get Ready for College - College Planning, Financial Aid



Here are some additional web resources to assist you with your child’s education:

Academic Resources for U.S. Military Families makes live tutors available online 24/7 to help with more than 40 core subjects and standardized test preparation.

Homework Support: Army Child Youth & School Services provides Homework Labs in before/after school programs for elementary students at the School Age Center, and for middle and high school students at the Youth Center.

Khan Academy

A personalized learning resource for all ages Khan Academy offers practice exercises, instructional videos, and a personalized learning dashboard that empower learners to study at their own pace in and outside of the classroom. We tackle math, science, computer programming, history, art history, economics, SAT and more.    


Support/Resilience Resources:

School Support Services include information about other programs you can use for support and resilience-related issues.


Military Family Life Counselors (MFLCs)

MFLCs are available to meet in-person on or off the military installation. The free nonmedical sessions are anonymous and may occur in individual, couple, family or group settings. Child Behavioral Specialists are located on the installation in Child, Youth and School Services programs, and in highly impacted schools located on and off the installation.

Military OneSource 

Military OneSource has access to free nonmedical counseling that’s anonymous and available online, on the phone or in person. Twelve free sessions may occur in individual, couple, family or group settings.

Ready and Resilient Workshops

These workshops for youth and educators are offered through the SLO and Youth Center programs. These workshops provide educators and students with the same tools Soldiers receive through their Ready and Resilient training. As Master Resilience Trainers SLOs strive to develop a common language around resilience for educators, youth and their parents.

For information on how to attend a class contact your local SLO.

College and Career Readiness Resources

College and career readiness includes the content knowledge, skills and habits that students must have to be successful in postsecondary education. It also includes training that leads to a sustaining career. A student who is ready for college and career can qualify for and succeed in entry-level, credit-bearing college courses without needing remedial or developmental coursework. These links have tools that will help you plan for your child’s college and career readiness:

Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP)

Army Educational Outreach Program (AEOP) provides STEM opportunities for military connected youth. The website provides information about AEOP programs available to youth, scholarship opportunities, news, and ways to get involved. Scholarship Finder provides a search engine to help you find money for your child’s higher education needs. Search over 1000 scholarships intended for military youth. They also have a Military Scholarship Handbook.

School Support Services Scholarship Database 

Listing of crowd sourced scholarships for military connected youth. Scholarships are listed in alphabetical order and provide information on deadlines and qualifications.


Financial Aid

Provides a description of federal student aid programs from the U.S. Dept. of Education  and how to apply for them.

Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Apply for federally funded financial assistance for education beyond high school.

Get Ready for College - College Planning, Financial Aid for U.S. Military Families


Jefferson County, New York Resource Links


New York State Educational Links


The College Board

The College Board helps students prepare for a successful transition to college through programs and services in college readiness and college success  including the SAT and the Advanced Placement Program. Additional resources include AP Exam Schedule, Online AP Classes, Review Sessions and Parent webinars along with other resources on scholarships and college and career search tools.

DODEA Virtual High School: Expanded Pilot Program 
Students must be the dependents of active-duty military members who are serving in locations that do not have a DoDEA brick-and-mortar high school. Homeschooled students who are compliant with state laws are also eligible. Students can take up to two courses per academic year.  Contact your Fort Drum SLOs for more information. The webpage contains the current school year course list available, the application and FAQs:DODEA Virtual High School.

MWR Online Library (Mango Languages, k-12 resources):

Military OneSource

Military OneSource offers translation and interpretation services to help ease relocation stress. This no-cost service is offered by the Department of Defense. It supports military personnel and families with a broad range of services to aid PCS transitions to overseas installations or those new to the United States.

How Translation and Interpretation Services Can Ease PCS Move

National Links


Other Educational Resources


Your Fort Drum School Liaison Officer

Wendy O'Sullivan

Robin Banks

More Child & Youth Services


Mommy & Me Indoor Playground

Join CYS Youth Sports for a FREE Indoor Playground Program!

Mar 26 9 am - 11 am

Mommy & Me Indoor Playground

Join CYS Youth Sports for a FREE Indoor Playground Program!

Mar 26 9 am - 11 am

Spanish Club

Apr 1 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

CYS Hiring Event

Apr 2 8 am - 11 am

Gardening Club

At the Youth Center!

Apr 3 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm

3D Printing (Youth Center)

Apr 4 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Passport to Read

Apr 4 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm

Youth Debate Club

Apr 8 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Youth Cooking Club

Apr 9 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Spring Gymnastics Clinic

Free with CYS Youth Sports & Fitness!

Apr 15 4:45 pm - 5:30 pm

Challenge Your Senses

Apr 16 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Challenge Your Senses

Apr 16 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm

Babysitting Course

Apr 22 2 pm - 5 pm

Youth Sponsorship Meeting

Apr 29 4:30 pm - 5:30 pm